I'm back and Christmas is almost here!

Hello fellow bloggers!

I would firstly just like to apologize for the lack of blog posts these last couple of months! I've been extremely busy with exams and school work etc. I thought instead of clogging up my blog with bad content seen as though I've been a bit stressed and a bit down and emotional lately, I would wait till school/my exams ended and give you guys some.. hopefully better content overall! 

Now, I've recently been struggling with ideas on what to blog about and I've just been a bit under the weather lately. So, I looked in my big book of notes which happens to be full of my blogging ideas and it seemed to be a bit too full...and...messy, of course, from where I've already wrote so much stuff for my previous blog posts, and I looked through it to see if I've missed any ideas out and I found one that I'd missed- the What Girls Dont Understand About Guys tag. Now, I obviously thought this would be a great one to discuss when I'm feeling a little under the weather lately, so lets get started!

Okay, so one thing that confuses me about guys is the fact that they pick on girls when they like/fancy them. Now if that's a strategy of pulling girls properly, where have I been... because I've never seen it work.. successfully?! I'm guessing boys pick on girls because they're trying to flirt but in a more playful way to try and get a girl to like them..? It's so confusing when boys pick on you though because it's hard to tell if a boy likes you or not, am I right or am I right? Like come on sort it out boys! 

Another thing girls don't understand about guys is why boys have to put their hands down their pants every second?! It's like you don't see girls putting their hands down their pants every second of the day do you? No. So why do boys think it's alright to? When I've ever witnessed a boy putting his hands down his pants I'm just sat their thinking "Why? Just why? Your in a public place for god sake!" I understand if it's a bit uncomfortable down there because.. you know.. but wouldn't you go sort that out somewhere else, for instance your bedroom or a toilet etc! I'm not saying this is all guys but you know who you are boys!

My last point of many is that boys like to either be oblivious to every single detail you tell them or they like to nit-pick everything that you say! Why? Just why?! I really don't get it. 99.9% of the boys I know are the nit-picky type that like to annoy us girls. For example, you'll be telling a story about something that happened on the weekend to one of your friends or you'll say your opinion on something and they will instantly butt in on it, commenting something ridiculous like "well that's not even...?", "how's that...?" "why's that...?", over and over again. The oblivious type of boys are just as annoying and frustrating too, staring into space, not a care in the world, half the time they're probably usually playing Xbox or PS4.

So, that's it for today folks, thanks for reading, please leave any suggestions you may have for a Christmassy blog post if I get time to upload before the 25th! 

Jemma x 


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