advice post: bitchy girls and school related things...

hiya fellow bloggers!

this weeks post is an advice post! now i got a request for one on bitchy girls and school related stuff so im gonna try and help you guys out a bit! i think its a huge issue and it can effect girls mostly but also boys too! now i have experienced this many times to the point where it got to bullying so i can empathise with you guys much more than some normal bloggers would! if you have any questions or want me to help just tweet me- i am always here for every single one of you guys! so lets get started!! 

now i know in pretty much every school you have a diverse range of groups such as the popular girls, the popular boys- now half the time i dont know why these people are popular cause in reality we are all the same, then you have the unpopular girls and boys - which everyone seems to dislike for no proper reason, and last of all you have the people in the middle that try and get along with everyone without being popular which is where i think me and my friends are. because in no way we are popular but in no way we are disliked as a group so i think where me and my friends are is a good place to be. 

now one person on tumblr said to me that they have one person in their group who is bitching about her group to all the other groups, like the popular girls type of group at her school. popularity isnt everything in school, you go to school to have fun while learning with your friends and i think that is what people forget nowadays. yes, you can hate school but what people forget is that youve learnt stuff from it and school is there to help you and get you ready for your future. now if one of your individual friends out of your group is doing this then what i suggest is sit her down and talk to her. tell her how you all feel as a group because she needs to realise how she is upsetting and annoying you all. bitching is horrible and girls bitch all the time. if your a girl even a boy reading this you cant say youve never bitched in your lifetime. bitching is just unnecessary and at school you dont need the added stress of knowing someone is bitching behind your back. so all i suggest is sit her down and talk to her and if she denies it all or isnt honest about it then just move on from it as she obviously isnt a true friend in my eyes. 

another person asked me about what to do if your friends are leaving you out. now i know how this feels with my previous friendship group and it is horrible. now what i'd say to do to cope is to speak to someone you trust because sometimes it is good to let it out. the next thing you could do is confront your friends and let them know how low and bad you feel because of them leaving you out all the time. tell them how excluded and alone you feel as they might not realise how they are making you feel which is always a bad thing because you want them to realise and know how you feel as an individual. they need to be aware of how they are making you feel as a group. 

another thing i would like to advise people with is the situation 'bullying'. i was watching a tv programme yesterday and this boy committed suicide, by hanging himself. because he was bullied all his school years. now for a 17 year old boy with so much ahead of him to commit suicide so early on in his life is devastating. now everyone thinks that people get bullied for a year or so and thats it. no. thats not the answer, people can get bullied for years. like i got bullied for 2 and half bit years and still get some crap now. when i joined secondary school things got really bad, just because i wasnt the prettiest in year 7, it didnt mean people had to throw abuse at me all the time and the same in year 8. getting things shouted at you as you walked in the diner, hurt. especially when your own friends would laugh and join in too. i think thats the thing that hurt the most and me being me i bottled everything up and never told anyone. till it got to the beginning of year 9 and i couldnt cope anymore. i started to self harm, i tried to overdose a few times and it takes guts to admit this because if anyone from school reads this and gives me more abuse, i just want you to know how much you hurt me as an individual and how much confidence ive lost within those years. i still havent got my confidence up, my anxiety has got really really bad this year and its really hard to walk out that door everyday and pretend im happy when im not. because bullying changes people. changes them as in makes them lose confidence, makes them not want to be around anymore and sometimes it even gets to the point where people do kill themselves because things get to much. now towards the end of year 9 (so june/july 2013) i spoke up. i had enough and i spoke to someone about it. i remember it so well, getting pulled out of maths that day and just sitting there telling a teacher how people made me feel all together. letting it out made me feel a lot better, so if you do get bullied and your reading this then tell someone! because i wish i did sooner! i remember  walking back into maths and feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders because they told me they would sort this and that everything would be okay. in the beginning of year 10 (september 2013) i went to see my school counsellor and that changed me and made me feel like i could go out there and be myself again. it didnt help me find confidence within myself again but it helped me realise that hurting myself wasnt the way and talking to someone really did actually help. so if your getting bullied, tell someone! i am always here for anyone who needs me!! 

beat bullying is a campaign against bullying and can help! i wish i knew about this sooner because its life changing! visit the website, its time to speak up if YOU are getting bullied.

that's it for today! sorry for long wait! i haven't had many ideas for posts lately! so i will see you next week or maybe before christmas day, who knows!

merry christmas fellow bloggers!;* 

thanks for reading!

Jemma x 


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