Exercise and diet regime!

hello fellow bloggers!

how is everyone doing? wow i havent blogged since last year, sorry guys! i would have uploaded sooner but my laptop has broken so im using my old one at the moment which is a right pain as its so much slower than my 'broken' laptop. but anyway todays blog post is about my exercise and diet regime. now i dont follow a strick diet and try weight lose things like some girls/women do, i just do the basics and try and stick to a healthy life style. now im not gonna lie im not a great lover of exercise when i go to school, like because of my anxiety i just dont enjoy it as much as i do when i exercise on my own at home which is quite a few days of the week!!

so first of all i am going to start with the diet side of things! the first thing i try and do is eat healthily. eating healthily can benefit you in so many ways, like it can help keep your skin clear and it is just a huge benefit to your body. the next thing i try and do is drink plenty of water- this one is my down fall. im not a massive fan of water, the only water i am keen on is bottled water and ice cold water. i manage to drink 1 to 2 bottles a day which is no where near a litre like your supposed to drink but oh well! the advantages of water are that  it has 0 calories, it fills you up, cleanses you, hydrates you, good for your skin and its very accessible- so no excuses! therefore the next thing you need to do is find a fruit you like! if you dont like the usual stereotypical fruits then go and try the more exotic fruits. Fruit is a brilliant snack because they are high in sugars and they just taste great! eating fruit contributes to a healthy lifestyle and ideally you should be eating your 5 a day! which im not going to lie i dont manage to fufill that at the moment! a few of my favourite fruits are raspberries, strawberries, pineapples, mango, etc. i go for the more exotic fruits because i dont really like apples, banana's, oranges that much, but i love them in juice formula haha! there are so many fruits to choose from its unbelieveable!
another thing to keep healthy is to eat your vegetables! now im not a fan of vegetables so im not gonna sit here and tell you to go eat your greens! i wouldnt have veg with pretty much every meal if my mum didnt make me eat it, which in the long run and looking back at it i am pretty glad she made me. a good healthy snack to eat throughtout the day is carrots, i used to eat these as snacks all the time when i was a child but as i grew up i thought it was a bit weird to eat carrots at lunch so i stopped! but i am going to try and find another healthy snack to try. now the next thing is to try and eat 3 meals a day, i cant force any of you to do this because i dont eat breakfast at all. but all i can is just try and stick to 3 small meals a day if you can.
for breakfast have something thats gonna fill you up till break time at school or lunch time so something like cereal or even just a bit of toast! for lunch i usually stick to a sandwich or a roll. and maybe a packet of low calorie crisps and a cereal bar. then for dinner i just usually have what my mum is making so like last night i had spag bol! yummy! when choosing something to eat remember your food groups, so if something has a high amount of fat in it, shy away from that and grab a healthier option! when it comes to snacks, try and just stick to fruit if you can. try and balance your diet everyday.
a little tip: tea speeds up your metabolism, so give it a try, i personally dont like tea so this tip isnt exactly for me. also when craving fatty foods like chocolate, chips, etc.. try something healthier like yogurts or low calorie crisps like wotsits, cereal bars etc.

now when it comes to exercise i am not a massive fan of it but at the moment i really enjoy a bit of exercise every week! i am aiming for my summer body that i lost after last summer haha! try and do 30 minutes to an hour of exercise a day, this will increase your stamina and stength all together. try and find a challenge, i am going to try the 30 day squat challenge next month as i have tried it before and it really works. you can find many more challeneges on google, tumblr, instagram etc.. next thing is try and go for a walk everyday, i didnt used to do this but since i got a job and i walk to school everyday that is my 4 walks everyday. also i have an exercise bike as you need to fit in aerobic exercise into your routine. walking, jogging, cycling, squats, sit ups, step ups, toe touches and plank for 30 seconds or more are all ways of helping you achieve the body you dream of! i do all of these different exercises for 2 hours on a saturday and sunday.

hope that helped you guys out a bit! see yous next week!

Jemma x


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