Girl talk: advice post!

Hello fellow bloggers!

How is everyone? Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, i have been quite busy with school work and it is also my birthday tomorrow so ive been thinking of ideas on what to do to celebrate turning 15! while writing this I still haven't come up with any ideas on what to do next weekend so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments below! but any-ways, today's blog post is a bit of an all round advice post, from friendships, to relationships, to problems, to body image!

As we all know being a teenager is quite a hard job at most times, as much as our parents/carers say it isn't, it really is! Depression can occur in a lot of teenagers life's at around the age of 14/15/16 ish. Bottling up your problems can also be a huge problem for any teenager and it is really not the best thing to do. Don't keep your problems bottled up as they will only increase in getting worse if you don't talk to someone about how you may feel. If you do feel like you are going through depression or anything like that talk to your mum/dad and try and talk to them about going to see a doctor or getting help but if you feel like you cannot do that then maybe go and try seeing a doctor with a friend or maybe just yourself, for a bit of time out etc. Only a doctor can diagnose depression and other mental health issues and it is nothing to be ashamed of as around one in four of us will suffer from a mental health issue at some point in our lives. Like any illness, depression and other issues can be treated and you will feel better and happier within yourself. So if you are feeling low, down or anxious please make an appointment to see a doctor or talk to someone you trust!

Another problem that seems to be an issue within our teenage years is body image and confidence. Feeling comfortable with your body needs confidence for sure and that confidence all comes from you. So try and find something that will bring out your confidence within yourself. Once you have a plan, it will give you the courage to go for it, but you just have to make sure you stick with it! If you are one of those girls who isn't happy with her weight then combine regular exercise with a healthy diet and you will soon see a difference within your body image. But if you do start a new health plan, talk to a friend, parent, a teacher about it first as some teenagers go for something too extreme and it can be dangerous if you loose too much weight at once. Furthermore, try to think positively and focus on your goals on improving your image or seeing yourself in a better light! Try not to compare yourself to your friends or the people around you; they might be feeling just as self-concious as you are right now!

At one point or another, girls tend to fall out or bitch about each other and it either turns to ignoring each other or an individual getting left out. Being left out by your group of friends can make you feel alone, self-concious, anxious and so many other feelings. If you feel left out and your group have no reason to leave you out then suggest things to do together, like going on a shopping trip to town, going to the cinema etc. Make it clear that you would like to be involved in stuff your friends do together in or outside of school and try and be positive because things can only get better! If that doesn't seem to make a difference then it might be time to look around for a new group of friends- who think about your feelings as well as their own. Leaving you out and making you feel awkward and uncomfortable isn't a friendship, its bullying and something your pastoral team can deal with and sort as you deserve a lot better!

A common boy trouble type of problem girls go through in their teenage years is 'How to chat to the guy you like'. All I can say is be yourself! Imagine if it was the other way round and this guy was talking to you, you would want him to be himself, right? yes, so just be yourself and it'll go great! If you feel like you cannot talk to him face to face then start chatting to him online or something like that. 

If you guys want a part 2 of this advice post, comment down below, tweet/dm me or message me on tumblr!

Thanks for reading guys!

Jemma x 


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