
Hello fellow bloggers!

Now I know what you're all probably thinking, where have you been and what is it with the lack of blog posts AGAIN?! I promise I have a genuine reason like always. So like every teenager I've been caught up with a mountain of college work as well as taking on NCS this half term which has taken up most of my holidays, well actually all of it apart from this weekend. So I thought I'd take the time to write a blog post which I have been planning for about a month now! Also, I thought I'd throw in some pictures of mine and my sisters pumpkins from yesterday just to say Happy Halloweeeeen! (see below for our master pieces;))

So it's finally November the 1st and that can only mean one thing, well two things in fact, its Autumn and Christmas is on its way next month! 

I thought for today's post I'd let you guys know about the things I'm looking forward to and the things I LOVE about Autumn: 

Autumn Leaves

Scarves, Hats & Gloves 





Oversized Jumpers

Hot Chocolates

The Open Fire

Fluffy/Cosy Socks

Acorns and Conkers


Autumn Walks in the crunchy leaves

Burning candles

Longer soaks in the bath

Evenings getting darker

Duvet days watching Christmas films 

The feeling that Christmas is coming

Advent Calendars 


Mine on the left, my sisters on the right. 


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