Thigh Gaps:

Hello fellow bloggers! 

This weeks blog post is all on the topic "Thigh Gaps". Now when I visit my tumblr, all I see on my timeline, is how girls always want a thigh gap and want to be skinnier.  I believe this is all because of today's society.  Boys seem to go out with all the skinny, pretty girls at school, now I think todays society is absolutely disgusting in a way because of how there are so many stereotypes about certain types of people.  

The obsession with starving yourself to get a thigh gap nowadays is ridiculous, I mean starving yourself does worse for you than exercising etc. Starving yourself can harm you in many different ways - in the long and short run.  Eventually if you starve yourself for too long your body will eat away at your muscles and you'll have basically nothing left of yourself. so please dont starve yourself... if you have any questions follow and message me on my tumblr -

Body image is such a massive worry to girls/boys nowadays. I know how it feels because im very self conscious myself and having anxiety effects my everyday life I suppose.  Also I know thigh gaps were quite a big deal last year and I am really hoping that the whole thigh gap hype doesnt start again for all people's sake. Thigh Gaps are just too overrated, yes its okay to have a small thigh gap but a massive one is just going too far, but thats just my opinion on the topic. 

Tone up your legs instead of starving yourself. You need muscle to run and just exercise overall so by toning up your legs you can create a healthy "thigh gap" if that's what you want to call it. Starving yourself just isnt worth it guys and girls. I know you probably wont believe me on this but thigh gaps are NOT attractive to boys/guys at all, most/some boys are interested and prefer curvy girls, now all the boys at my school seem to go for stick thin girls but that doesnt make me want to change at all.

All I have to say to round this up is Be Real With Yourself.  Think about the consequences if you do starve yourself, not just now but in the future.  Just stick to healthy foods and have a balanced diet/lifestyle and you'll be fit and healthy for now and if you keep it up you'll keep in shape for a very long time. Just remember- tone your legs and have a healthy thigh gap instead of starving yourself.

Hope that helped some of you out, share your views by messaging me on Twitter,  tumblr etc. 

See yous next week! 

Jemma x 


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