Depression & Anxiety Advice.
Hello Fellow Bloggersss!
Today's blog post is on Depression and Anxiety, now a few people requested this post purely because of wanting advice and help and I'm willing to answer a few questions on certain subjects and things.
So first thing I got asked is: how do you know if you are in depression or not?
I personally think you will know 100% if you get a diagnosis from a doctor but other wise some people can just tell by their moods and how they are feeling all together. A lot of people suffer from depression but are too scared to go to the doctors and that can be classed as undiagnosed depression. I think people need to realise that you dont need to have gone through something traumatic or horrendous to be in depression/suffer depression. Because I've been there myself for a short period of time and if I could go back in time I wish I told someone what I was feeling and let them know about how I thought that I was suffering with depression. I never told anyone and now I am opening up to you guys and telling you myself, because I think depression needs to be more recognised and more people need to be aware of it and stop assuming that they know what it is and judging people. The common symptoms are low moods, lose of appetite, self harm, suicidal, lose of interest in certain things, and feeling really lonely and sad all the time. Now I went through all of these and I am not gonna lie I've only just started feeling better within myself but I think I have been more happy all together.
Next question: How can you cope with depression if your quite quiet and shy and dont like talking?
If you find it hard to talk to people face to face about certain things then use your phone so call, text or email your friends or whoever you trust. I find it quite hard to tell people how I feel thats why I write this blog all together. And if I do want to tell my friends things then I tell them one at a time as I personally find that easier to do or I feel like its something I cant tell them face to face then I text them after school.
Question three: How do you stop yourself from being unhappy?
Well I try and spend as much time as I can with my friends because they make me the happiest. I distract myself by doing my hair, painting my nails, having a bubble bath, going out with friends and family, going shopping, and I tend to eat because that makes me happy but then again that turns into comfort eating hahaha!
Another question: What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal human emotion. But when it gets to the stage where it is effecting you in your everyday life and your worrying about everything in your life itself it becomes a problem. There's social anxiety where you are in social groups and you find it hard to be there or talk. And there are many more that you can go and research yourselves if you want to know more.
Next Question: What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Anxiety is the body’s natural response to danger, an automatic alarm that goes off when you feel threatened, under pressure, or are facing a stressful situation. Anxiety isn't always a bad thing. In fact, anxiety can help you stay alert and focused, spur you to action, and motivate you to solve problems. But when anxiety is constant or overwhelming, when it interferes with your relationships and activities, it stops being functional-that’s when you've crossed the line from normal, productive anxiety into the territory of anxiety disorders. But some people may just suffer with minor anxiety which is where you only have a few symptoms of anxiety. Some psychological symptoms are: restlessness, a sense of dread, feeling constantly "on edge", difficulty concentrating,irritability,impatience and being easily distracted. I suffer with many of these and it is really hard having anxiety as I find myself socially awkward in some situations.
And Last Question For Today Is: What is your advice for people going through any things like depression, self harm, anxiety or being suicidal?
My advice to every single one of these is find a distraction like what I said above. Distracting yourself can help so much and can save you doing a lot of things you might live to regret. And if you want to talk to me then just tweet, dm, kik or leave a comment below. I dont really have a massive answer for this because I prefer to advise people about their particular problems they have so talk to me if you need to!
Thank you for reading!! :) Hope I helped some of you out there!
Jemma x
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