Hello fellow bloggers!!
How is everyone doing? :) hope your all well!
So today's blog post is on surviving high school! Now for many of you, you have either just joined high school or have gone back to school last month! Now I got many requests for doing an advice post as I think many of you can relate to it all!
The first thing to remember about high school, is if your joining for your first year, you have to remember everyone else is in the same boat as you and they are probably feeling just as anxious as you are. As I have gone up through my schools years, my anxiety has got a lot worse because of bullying but if I could go back in time and change all of that, I would!!
When you join high school or secondary school as we call it here in England, you have to accept the change that is about to happen. You will be surrounded by many different people that are interested in many different things, which is really good as it gives you chance to get to know people and go out of your comfort zone. The thing that is not so good is puberty, and that will obviously be a VERY BIG change for you to have to go through, but everyone does at some stage in there lives. Now you could be surrounded by moody teenagers when you go to school as teenagers do tend to be moody when going though puberty. Change within yourself can be very slow but in the end it's good and you change inside and out.
The lamest bit of advice someone could give you is to tell you to "just be yourself", don't listen to that because this is when yourself happens and as long as you don't become an idiot on the journey to self discovery then you will be fine. But if you do become an idiot then don't be yourself, be someone better.
Another thing to remember is personal hygiene. Yes I know people sweat and sweat smells, that is why you have to control your personal hygiene or you are a target to bullying and things like that. But just for you, it is better to have good personal hygiene than stink like hell! Its very hard to be friends with someone if they reek like hell, and you really do not want to be smelling yourself or anyone else's BO.
Next tip is do not give in to peer pressure. I know the desire to fit in and be in a group is very real and very powerful but trust me, I have been there myself and know what it is like. I also know this sounds like something your most boring teacher would say, but listen. People in high school can be very persuasive and terrifying. Just do NOT take drugs or smoke because it will ruin your health. I see many people at my school smoke and do drugs and it disgusts me.
Next thing is just get your work done! It means less work to do at home! I know there are better things to do like reading blogs, going on YouTube, tumblr and instagram and twitter etc. But school work is more important and some of it can determine your future so think ahead! If you do not do your work, you get detention, detention is valuable internet and social time!!
Next tip is don't act like a slut! because if you do, soon enough people will loose all respect for you and you will be disliked almost instantly. Now you can only experience things for the first time once, so don't do anything that you don't want to do or feel you have to do!! You have your whole life ahead of you and if you get pregnant, you will die!!
And finally, relax. School is school and it will be over before you know it.
Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you liked my advice post!!
Jemma x
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