Be You! | Motivational Season Project

Hello fellow bloggers!

I feel like there's been so much negativity going on in the past month within society and on social media, so I thought I better start off my Motivational Season with trying to put some positivity back into the world. 

Now, I generally believe and feel sometimes, especially at the moment, that the world we are living in now, can be a very scary place for us young people growing up. The media plays a huge part in how we grow up too. What we see, what we hear, what we want to be like etc. Girls especially I feel get affected by the media whether they are or aren't a celebrity. There is always going to be the 'ideal image' within the media and girls are always going to try and live up to that. Girls put so much pressure on themselves and I imagine boys do too nowadays aswell. Pressure leads to worrying and girls (mainly) worry a lot about their appearance, especially when it comes to the topic of boys. 

This all leads to my main point. In society, the messages of 'being you is ok!' and 'do whatever you want to do!' are not thrown around enough. People don't say it enough and reassure it in teenagers and young adults of today and this is where a lot of younger people lack in confidence and self belief, as well as determination. When people say things like 'being you and living in your own skin is ok!' believe them because it is OK! The advice I have to many people nowadays is to live in the moment and live life now while you still have the chance - because events this year have shown life is too short to not be you and live while you can! 

Also, so many people fear that they cannot accomplish a dream because of other people telling them that they cannot, this is often the case of bullying. People also believe they cannot accomplish a dream because of a lack of confidence, self belief and determination. I really believe that if you just keep believing then you can achieve anything and you will eventually get there some day if you make it happen! Or if you really don't believe you can do it on your own, then get someone by your side to help you, because teamwork makes the dream work in some cases!

And, my last piece of advice is to just follow your heart as well as following your dreams because only you know what feels right and can act upon it to make it happen. 

I hope this helps/inspires/motivates at least one of you this month! 

Jemma x 


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